New Pathway at Mathison Park
A new pathway has been constructed in Mathison Park Churchill, to provide all weather access to additional areas that were previously difficult to navigate. The new path is approximately 500m long and winds its way up the hill, from Hare House and amongst the Conifer Plantation. It then passes through a grove of beautiful deciduous trees and joins the concrete path near the roundabout on the intersection of Monash Way and Northways Rd. Features along the path as you pass through the conifer plantation, are the breathtaking views of Lake Hyland and the beautiful display of Autumn colors as you stroll beneath the canopy of a grove of deciduous trees at the top of the hill. Funding for the Path was provided from the committee’s yearly budget and supplemented by a Community Grant from Latrobe City Council. Mathison Park is maintained by volunteers on limited funding and the support from Latrobe City and other Government Grants is vital for the continued upkeep and improvement. The committee thanks the Council for its continued support and funding. For those interested in the Park and wanting to get involved, we are always looking for more volunteers. We have a Working Bee once a month on a Saturday for 3 hours. Even turning up once a year to assist can make a difference and keep the Park clean, tidy and safe for all to enjoy. If you are interested in helping out in any way, go to the “Get Involved” section of the website.
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