
Funding Approved

Funding for Churchill playground upgrade approved.

We are thrilled to announce that we have been successful in obtaining the grant through ‘#lovegippsland’ Stronger Community Program (SCP) – a Federal Government initiative which will enable us to remove unsuitable trees around the play equipment area and to install shade cloths over the play equipment thus providing a sunsmart playgroup at the park.

We extend our grateful thanks to Darren Chester and the Federal Government for the granting of the means for this valuable improvement to the park.


(Back, from left) Kayla, Darren Chester MP, Max Zygarlicki, Andy Webb, Ruth Place, Mitchell, and (front) Jayden, Tahli and Hudson at Mathison Park Churchill.

Darren Chester visited the park to meet some of the committee members and to share a photo shoot with the members and some happy children from Churchill P.S.


The working bee time was used to plant new trees and shrubs. Over 150 items were planted by the six dedicated volunteers.

It was good to have a break and a hot cuppa during the cold morning which proved to be better weather than anticipated.


Read the full media release.